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Platform Governance Research Lab

The Platform Governance Research Lab focuses on decentralized governance of marketplaces to curb misleading claims and digital harm.

Gamification of Interventions

Gamification of Interventions

Gamify economic interventions for realistic modeling of advertising and purchasing behavior by participants.

Interactive Experiments

Interactive Experiments

Our marketplace is interactive and real-time so participants can play in versus mode, simulating real-life advertising.

Replicable Science

Replicable Science

Re-run experiments with the same settings at the click of a button, making scientific experimentation trivially reproducible.

Replicable Behavioral Economics Research

Our Research Process in Four Steps


Step 1: Design

Researchers design gamified experiments to simulate real-world consumer-producer marketplaces.

Step 1: Design

Step 2: Deploy

Human players join a game to play the designed experiment.

Step 2: Deploy

Step 3: Monitor

Data is collected from experimental activity.

Step 3: Monitor

Step 4: Analyze

Data is analyzed to test hypotheses.

Step 4: Analyze

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