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Welcome to the documentation for the Callbacks module! This guide will help you understand the core functions and logic behind game initialization, player assignments, stage transitions, and score calculations. This page is verified by: Vedant Kejariwal


The callbacks.js file is the core logic handler for initializing and managing game states in the Empirica framework. It defines:

  • Player attributes for both producers and consumers.
  • Game rules that dictate the economy and player interactions.
  • Stage progression that structures each round.
  • Scorekeeping mechanisms for tracking performance.

It utilizes Empirica's ClassicListenersCollector to manage game lifecycle events such as:

  • Game Start
  • Round Transitions
  • Stage Completions



  1. Imported Constants and Modules:

    • The game imports multiple constants from constants.js, which store predefined values such as:
      • productPrice
      • warrantCost
      • challengeCost
      • Scoring parameters
    • Hooks from @empirica/core allow interaction with player data and game states.
  2. Player Variable Assignments:

    • The game initializes player attributes using player.set(), defining their:
      • Role → ("producer" or "consumer")
      • Resources → (wallet, capital)
      • Tracking Metrics → (score, reviews, claims, etc.)
    • Many variables are stored as arrays, allowing the game to track historical data across multiple rounds.


This is the list of functions that are defined in this file:

Click on any of these functions to view detailed documentation on their role in game execution.

Logical Flow

  1. Game Initialization (onGameStart)

    • Defines game parameters.
    • Assigns players as producers or consumers.
    • Sets initial attributes for each player.
  2. Round Start (onRoundStart)

    • Resets player variables for the new round.
    • Updates financial resources, reviews, and claims.
    • Ensures producers and consumers begin fresh.
  3. Stage Completion (onStageEnded)

    • Executes core game logic at the end of each stage.
    • Processes transactions, challenges, reviews, and scoring.
    • Updates player history and market conditions.