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Game Callbacks - Stage End

Welcome to the documentation for the onStageEnded() function! This guide will help understand the code and its features. This page is verified by: Vedant Kejariwal


This is the list of sections that are defined in this function:

  • Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "SelectRole")
  • Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "ProducerChoice")
  • Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "ConsumerChoice")
  • Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "Results")
  • Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "Feedback")

Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "SelectRole")


  • This condition checks if the game has reached the SelectRole stage.
  • At this stage, each producer is assigned a unique brand name.
  • The function getRandomName() is used to generate a new brand identity, ensuring brand differentiation among players.

Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "ProducerChoice")


  • This condition ensures that necessary updates occur when the game enters the ProducerChoice stage.
  • The ProducerChoice stage is where producers make strategic decisions about product quality, branding, and pricing.
  • Resetting and updating values at this stage ensures a fair restart for all players.

if (player.get("role") === "producer")


  • This block checks if the player is a producer.
  • The producer’s changedBrand flag is updated to false at the beginning of this stage.
  • This ensures that the producer’s decision to change their brand in a previous round does not persist into future rounds.

if (player.get("role") === "consumer")


  • This block checks if the player is a consumer.
  • The consumer’s consumerReviews object is reset to {}, ensuring previous feedback does not influence future rounds.
  • The consumer’s wallet is increased by 3 * highQualProdCost to simulate income for the next round.
  • The wallet update is crucial as it allows consumers to participate in the upcoming product selection.

Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "ConsumerChoice")


  • This condition ensures that updates are made when the ConsumerChoice stage is reached.
  • Consumers make purchasing decisions in this stage, selecting products from available producers.
  • At this stage, the game needs to track which consumers have purchased from which producers.

if (player.get("role") === "producer")


  • This block checks if the player is a producer.
  • The function identifies which consumers have purchased from the producer by checking consumer.cart.
  • The list of consumers who bought from the producer is stored in sold.

if (player.get("role") === "consumer")


  • This block checks if the player is a consumer.
  • The function updates purchasedFrom, which stores the list of producers each consumer has bought from.

Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "Results")


  • This condition executes when the game reaches the Results stage.
  • The Results stage processes the final calculations for each round and resets necessary attributes.

if (player.get("changedBrand").slice(-1)[0] === true)


  • This block checks if the producer decided to change their brand at the end of the round.
  • If changedBrand is true, the producer is assigned a new brand name using getRandomName().
  • The reviews array is reset with [0,0], ensuring the producer starts with a fresh reputation.

if (player.get("role") === "consumer")


  • This block resets the consumer’s consumerReviews object.
  • The consumer’s wallet is increased, ensuring they have sufficient funds for the next round.

else (for producers)


  • This block updates producer finances.
  • The producer’s capital is increased, ensuring they have resources for the next round.
  • The claims array is reset to [0, 0], ensuring fairness by clearing previous claim records.

Condition: if (stage.get("name") === "Feedback")


  • This condition executes when the game reaches the Feedback stage.
  • The Feedback stage processes consumer challenges, producer adjustments, and score updates.
  • At this point, the game determines which producers were challenged, which claims were successful, and how players' reputations and scores should be updated.
  • This is a critical part of the game, as it resolves interactions between consumers and producers by verifying product quality and ensuring fair market mechanisms.

Fetching Consumers

const consumers = players.filter((p) => p.get("role") === "consumer");

  • The function first retrieves all players with the consumer role.
  • This is necessary because consumers are the ones who issue challenges, and their actions must be processed at this stage.
  • By filtering players based on role, the function ensures that only consumers' challenges are considered when evaluating producers' performance.

Processing Producer Challenges

if (player.get("role") === "producer")


  • This block ensures that updates for producers occur correctly.
  • A challenge tracking array (challengeOnRound) is initialized to store the names of consumers who challenged a given producer.
  • The function loops over all consumers to determine who issued a challenge against the producer.
Identifying Challengers

if (currentChallenge.length === 0)

  • Each consumer's currentChallenge array is checked to see if it contains the producer’s name.
  • If a consumer has not issued a challenge, "No Challenge" is recorded.
  • This means that the consumer accepted the producer’s product without questioning its quality.

else if (currentChallenge.indexOf(player.get("name")) !== -1)

  • If a consumer has issued a challenge, their name is added to the challengeOnRound list.
  • This ensures that each producer knows which consumers have disputed their product claims.
  • After looping through all consumers, player.get("challenges") is updated with the new list of challenges.
Updating Producer Reviews

let reviews = player.get("reviews"); reviews.push(most_recent_review);

  • The producer's reviews array is updated by adding a duplicate of the most recent review entry.
  • This ensures that only new feedback impacts the producer’s reputation, rather than overwriting past reviews.
  • Reviews are persistent, meaning that each round accumulates new consumer feedback.

Evaluating Challenge Outcomes

If the product had no warranties or was not sold

if ((warrants === null || warrants.slice(-1)[0] === false) && player.get("sold").slice(-1)[0].length > 0)

  • If the producer did not issue a warranty and their product was sold, then the outcome is based on consumer feedback.
  • The consumer’s reviews are checked to determine whether the producer receives a positive or negative rating.
  • Why does this check matter?
    • If a product was not warranted, a negative review from a consumer holds more weight.
    • Producers that consistently fail to provide warranties are more susceptible to negative ratings.
If the product was sold, but there were no challenges

if (player.get("sold").slice(-1)[0].indexOf(cons.get("name")) === -1)

  • If a consumer bought the product but did not challenge it, the producer automatically gains a positive review.
  • The challengesLost array is updated with "N/A", meaning the producer did not lose a challenge.
  • Why is this important?
    • If a producer sells a product and no consumer disputes it, it suggests that the product met expectations.
    • This helps reinforce market credibility for producers.
If the product was sold and challenged

if (player.get("challenges").slice(-1)[0].includes(cons.get("name")) )

  • If a consumer challenged the producer, the function determines whether the challenge was successful or unsuccessful based on product quality.
  • The producer’s financials and reputation are updated accordingly.
If the producer’s product was high quality

if (player.get("productQuality").slice(-1)[0] === "high")

  • The producer wins the challenge.
  • Their capital is increased by the warrant cost refund.
  • Their challengesLost array records "Challenge Won".
  • Their positive review count increases.
  • They gain a score boost due to providing high-quality products.
  • Why does capital increase?
    • Since the product was high quality, the challenge was unjustified.
    • The producer recovers the cost of the warranty, reinforcing trust in self-certification.
If the producer’s product was low quality

else if (player.get("productQuality").slice(-1)[0] === "low")

  • The producer loses the challenge.
  • The consumer is refunded their challenge cost.
  • The producer’s capital decreases by the challenge reward.
  • Their negative review count increases.
  • Their challengesLost array records "Challenge Lost".
  • They lose score points due to false advertising.
  • Why does the producer lose money?
    • Since they misled consumers, they forfeit money to compensate for their deception.
    • This discourages producers from selling low-quality products under false claims.
If a product was warranted but not challenged

if (prod.get("warrants").slice(-1)[0])

  • If the producer issued a warranty and was not challenged, they gain a small positive reputation boost.
  • Why does this happen?
    • Offering a warranty builds consumer trust.
    • Even if no one needed to challenge the product, the act of warranting signals reliability.

Processing Consumer Score Updates

if (player.get("role") === "consumer")


  • This block processes consumer-side updates.
  • The consumer’s cart is reset to an empty array to prepare for the next round.
  • The function identifies which producers the consumer purchased from and updates the purchasedFrom array.
Updating Consumer Scores

const playersPurchased = => players.find((p) => p.get("name") === name));

  • The function loops over all producers the consumer purchased from.
  • Each producer's challenge records are checked to determine how the consumer should be scored.
If the consumer purchased a low-quality product but did not challenge it

if (!(roundChallenges.includes(player.get("name"))))

  • Their score decreases.
  • This reflects failing to detect misinformation in the marketplace.
If the consumer purchased a low-quality product and challenged it

else if (roundChallenges.includes(player.get("name")))

  • Their score increases.
  • This reflects actively identifying misinformation and holding producers accountable.
If the consumer purchased a high-quality product

if (!roundChallenges.includes(player.get("name")))

  • Their score remains neutral or increases slightly depending on whether they challenged the producer.
Finalizing Consumer Score Updates

player.set("totalScore", totalArr);

  • The consumer’s total score is updated by summing all individual round scores.
  • This cumulative total is stored in totalScore for long-term tracking.

Logical Flow

  1. Identify Consumers

    • Consumers are identified because they issue challenges and must be processed first.
  2. Process Producer Challenges

    • Identify which producers were challenged.
    • Update producer reviews and track challenge outcomes.
  3. Evaluate Challenge Outcomes

    • Determine whether producers won or lost challenges.
    • Update producer capital, reputation, and score.
  4. Update Consumer Scores

    • Check which producers consumers purchased from.
    • Evaluate whether consumers correctly identified misinformation.
    • Update consumer scores accordingly.